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Autographes et lettres reçus de George Foreman
(page 4 sur 4):
George Foreman Failure! UTF - 02 mai 2012
Yesterday I received my envelope addressed to George Foreman with UTF written on it. Does anyone have a current address for him?
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George Foreman - Success - 05 avril 2012
(7) Autographed George Foreman - Boxing Champion Mailed: 5/9/11 (2) 8-1/2x11 7 Month Turnaround Received: 12/2/11 Autographed Both Pictures Used Address In The Database - By ###:// at 2012-03-28 - By ###:// at 2012-03-28
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George Foreman Success - 26 mars 2012
sent him two sports illustrated to P.O. Box 14267 Humble, TX 77347 took about a month and half I emailed him and asked if he had a secretary signer or if he signed, he said he resented that, so I assume they are authentic ... 9458_n.jpg ... 9577_n.jpg
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